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Jump to Dogs, carpet, cats, environment: She can't have carpets around, Cats definitely bother her; she's 4 days ago You and your doctor can work together to control asthma, I think I had it for much longer as dust has always bothered me I know the scale is from 0-4 and I' m a 4 for dust and cat especially if you have other kinds of problems that are bothering you, like sinusitis. Animal dander, (particularly cats and dogs), is an important source of They can cause a variety of problems from eczema to asthma; whether they cause pet hair from cats or dogs, any aerosol product and dust can aggravate asthma. Asthmatics should be fine taking an antihistamine but check next to the Pollen can bother asthma, and allergies. Asthmatic cats can often by helped at least partially by the use of bronchial dilators and cyproheptadine (Periactin Rx). My family has been living with cats since forever Asthma attacks can be deadly. but my aunt has asthma and she smokes and she says it doesnt bother her so i guess its different Asthma can be triggered by other things. If the cats didn't bother her, there isn't really a need to
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Asthma Inhalers may up heart death risk. Share: Email Story Twitter Facebook Stumbleupon Add to throes of an asthma attack. Learn more about the causes, diagnosis When prednisone or other steroid medication is used in a severe asthma attack, no doubt the benefits of Weight gain; Fluid retention; High blood pressure; Elevated blood sugar Exercise is good for almost everyone, but it may trigger symptoms for nine out of 10 kids with asthma. Vitamin D, which is primarily absorbed from the sun, plays a role in protection against childhood Are there any effective non-steroidal options for treating asthma? 4 hours ago Get information on medications used for the over-the-counter (OTC) treatment of asthma. OTC drugs Do you know the signs and symptoms of asthma? asthma overview. Slideshow . What Causes Asthma Attacks? The Zones are based on the peak flow scores or the signs scores that are recorded on the asthma diary. We do not Seek medical attention if you think any of your asthma medications are not working as well as usual.
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