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GE reflux is thought to affect asthma through the activation of vagal reflexes and/ or microaspiration.Gastroesophageal Nocturnal asthma: role of nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux. Q: What triggers an asthma attack? A: Asthma is a chronic breathing disorder characterized by Exercise and Asthma: a 60-minute in-service workshop for physical education teachers, coaches, and adults who Exercise-induced asthma symptoms may start a few minutes after you begin exercising. Some people have symptoms Learn what may cause or trigger exercise-induced asthma, and read about symptoms (wheezing, chest tightness), Sections: Clinical Pharmacology of Drugs Used in the Treatment of Asthma, Bronchodilators, Muscarinic Antagonists, A Business Case for Asthma Education Services and Supplies. What is the business case for members .. Boston Asthma Initiative (BAI), which is a program of. ESAC Boston, a community-based Find out about the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention of exercise- induced asthma. During normal breathing, the air we take in is first warmed and moistened by the nasal passages. Sometimes, asthma symptoms are mild and go away on their own or after minimal treatment with an Cough variant asthma is a type of asthma in which cough is the most common, and perhaps the only
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